Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is launching in September 2023, according to Venom voice actor Tony Todd. While currently unconfirmed by developer Insomniac Games, the news was shared in a response to a fan on Twitter, and even included details about the marketing cycle for the upcoming game.
‘Can’t come quick enough Spider-Man 2,’ one fan innocently wrote on Twitter. In response, Todd seemingly spilled the beans – with no regard for any private disclosure agreements or industry secrets.
‘Looks like September!’ Todd said. ‘Massive publicity coming in august. Commercials start dropping in august so I’m told. Hold on to your … and hold breath! Gonna be necessary.’
Given Todd has a direct line of communication with Insomniac, this appears to be a legitimate leak – and one that aligns with the developer’s previously-announced Autumn 2023 [Northern Hemisphere] game release window.
Intriguingly, this date would pit the PlayStation-exclusive game directly against the Xbox and PC-exclusive blockbuster, Starfield. Should this be the case, September will be a stacked month with something for everyone.
Read: Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is reportedly on track for 2023
There’s a very amusing element in this unexpected reveal, as actors are typically beholden to strict NDAs and multiple layers of sworn secrecy when it comes to their projects. Todd has seemingly forgotten this, or at the very least, doesn’t care – making for a rather refreshing reveal.
In recent years, the video games industry has tightened its policies around secrecy to ensure teams can work privately, and reveal news when they’re ready. But even these policies are no match for a casual, throwaway post on social media.
Given Todd’s comments remain live as of writing, it doesn’t appear Insomniac has leapt on the wild leak. After all, it does appear the news is now firmly out of the bag. We’ll have to wait to see if Insomniac is planning further action around this reveal, and whether Todd’s information about a September 2023 launch date is accurate.