Sons of the Forest, the sequel to horror survival game The Forest, will now launch in Early Access on 23 February 2023, to avoid the game being delayed further. The title was originally set for a full release on this date, but developer Endnight Games now believes it needs more time before being considered ‘complete’.
‘It’s been a long journey since we first started Sons of The Forest development and it’s grown into the biggest most complex game we have ever made,’ the studio announced. ‘There is still so much more we want to add; items, new mechanics, gameplay balance and more. We didn’t want to delay again so have instead decided to involve the community in the continued development of this project and keep our February 23rd release date, but instead release in Early Access.’
‘The Forest turned out to be a massive success, due mostly to the awesome community and the suggestions, feedback, and bug reports the players shared with us. We are really excited and hope that players want to come on this new journey with us to make this the ultimate survival horror simulator.’
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Given the game has already been delayed multiple times, the decision to switch to Early Access will likely be relieving for loyal fans. After the success of The Forest, all eyes have turned to Endnight’s next game – and while it’s not quite ready yet, Early Access should give a meaty glimpse at the sequel’s potential.
Sons of the Forest was set for a February release until this week, so it’s fair to assume the game’s content is near enough to its final form that players will have plenty to do as they explore a remote island, and attempt to escape from creepy cannibals.
Endnight has promised the game will be playable in solo or multiplayer form, with keen players able to team up to travel through a fresh story, with plenty of threats waiting between the trees.
For now, the game is planned to be in Early Access for 6-8 months. In this period, Endnight will work towards fixing bugs, balancing gameplay, providing new features and collectibles, and making requested tweaks along the way.
Sons of the Forest is now set to launch in Early Access on 23 February 2023.