Mortal Kombat 2, the sequel to Simon McQuoid’s Mortal Kombat movie adaptation, will officially be filmed in Queensland, Australia at Village Roadshow Studios. While the original film was shot in South Australia, sequel production was reportedly attracted by Screen Queensland’s film incentives, as well as robust local facilities, ‘stunning’ locations and the state’s ‘highly skilled workforce’.
The cast of the original film is expected to return for this sequel, alongside McQuoid. James Wan’s Atomic Monster and Todd Garner’s Broken Road Productions will also return on production duties.
‘Filming the first film in Australia was such a great experience,’ Wan said in a press release. ‘I’m thrilled that with the help of Screen Australia and Screen Queensland, we can show off the majestic locations of Queensland and work with the top-notch artistic talent based there.’
According to Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, the production of Mortal Kombat 2 will bring around 560 jobs to Queensland cast and crew, as well as an estimated local spend of AU $68 million. It’s also likely to have major benefits for the tourism industry, with ‘majestic’ shooting locations currently being eyed for a June 2023 start to filming.
Read: Making Mortal Kombat – The South Australian Blockbuster
‘International and Australian producers continually look to Queensland as a destination of choice for film and series production – attracted by our competitive government incentives, enviable studios and post-production facilities, unbeatable locations, and the expertise of our local crews and creatives,’ Belinda Burns, Screen Queensland Acting CEO said of the upcoming project.
‘It’s this winning combination that will ensure a “flawless victory” for New Line and Warner Bros. Pictures with Mortal Kombat 2.‘
So far, not much is known about the upcoming sequel and how it will continue the events of the first film, which saw protagonist Cole Young embracing his destiny as a defender of Earthrealm.
Early casting reports suggest fan-favourite fighter Jade will appear in the film, played by Tati Gabrielle (Uncharted, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) – and she’s likely to be joined by fellow newcomers, and some returning stars. The appearance of character Johnny Cage was also teased at the end of the first film.
We’ll learn more about Mortal Kombat 2 in the months ahead.
Elsewhere, developers NeatherRealm Studios have announced the next instalment in the Mortal Kombat game franchise. Titled Mortal Kombat 1, it will serve as a complete narrative reboot.