The release date for the anticipated blockbuster sequel, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, was announced and confirmed during a presentation during the Summer Game Fest 2023 showcase. The game will release on 20 October 2023.
Publisher Sony Interactive and developer Insomniac Games had previously announced a window of Autumn 2023 (Northern Hemisphere) just weeks prior, during the unveiling of an extended gameplay trailer that highlighted the game’s action-packed setpieces and dual protagonists.
Spider-Men Peter Parker and Miles Morales with play equal roles in this sequel, as the pair battle a series of new enemies, including Venom and Kraven the Hunter. Peter Parker will also wrestle with his newfound black Symbiote suit, which begins to alter his personality as he becomes addicted to the power it affords.
During the Summer Game Fest presentation, creative director Bryan Intihar also revealed that ‘Venom’ would not be reporter Eddie Brock, who is the character most commonly associated with the anti-hero.
He also confirmed that the game’s open world would be twice the size of the first Marvel’s Spider-Man game, which he had shared during a series of media interviews following the trailer reveal. The game will include outer boroughs of New York City like Queens and Brooklyn, as well as Manhattan.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will be released on 20 October 2023, exclusively on PlayStation 5, though the original game did make its way to PC eventually.