The highly-anticipated untitled movie adaptation of the Super Mario Bros. video game has been delayed until the second quarter of 2023, somewhere between April-June. The film, which is being developed by the Despicable Me animation studio Illumination, was originally slated to be released in the holiday season of 2022.
The news was announced in an amusingly ominous tweet on the Nintendo of America Twitter account, where
‘This is Miyamoto,’ the tweet begins, before announcing the delay, which was made in consultation with ‘Chris-san’ – Chris Meledandri, founder and CEO at Illumination (Despicable Me, Sing, The Secret Life of Pets, etc) and co-producer on the Mario movie.
Very few details have been given about the Untitled Mario movie, outside of the film’s star-studded voice cast, which features:
- Chris Pratt (Guardians of the Galaxy) as Mario
- Anya Taylor-Joy (Queen’s Gambit) as Princess Peach
- Charlie Day (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) as Luigi
- Jack Black (Jumanji) as Bowser
- Keegan-Michael Key (Key and Peele) as Toad
- Seth Rogen (Superbad) as Donkey Kong
- Fred Armisen (Portlandia) as Cranky Kong
- Kevin Michael Richardson (The Simpsons) as Kamek
- Sebastian Maniscalco (The Irishman) as Foreman Spike
- Charles Martinet (The voice of Mario) in undisclosed role/s.
Read: Jason Momoa boards Minecraft as video game movies rise
Given the famously mute qualities of
We’ll now have to wait a few more months until we see the final product, but hopefully a trailer will give us some idea of how things will go before then.