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Diablo 4: Battle passes are expected to take 80 hours to complete

Getting through Diablo 4's many battle passes will require patience and dedication.
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Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo 4 will adopt a seasonal content model on launch, much like its predecessor, with the action determined by individual player Battle Passes which unlock various in-game goodies. Each character thrown into the game’s world will slowly level up as enemies are defeated and quests are completed, from Level 1 to Level 100 each season.

Within a certain window of time, players will work towards unlocking every bit of content contained in the game’s Battle Pass – there is a free version available to everyone, and a paid version for those who fork out – and rewards will unlock the further characters travel.

If you want to unlock the full extent of each season’s Battle Pass, it turns out you’ll need a whole lot of patience and dedication – as each one can take up to 80 hours to complete.

Speaking to PC Gamer, associate game director Joe Piepiora confirmed the length of the game’s seasonal Battle Passes, and how much time players will need to invest to reach for the upper echelons of success in Diablo 4.

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‘Right now, the battle pass, when you’re figuring in completing the season journey alongside doing other content in the game, you’re looking at roughly 80 hours worth of time invested to complete the entirety of the battle pass,’ Piepiora said. ‘To level a character to Level 100 could take a little longer than that based on how you play.’

Despite this, Piepiora believes it ‘likely’ that players will finish each Battle Pass before the max level is hit each season, allowing for even more activities beyond those first 80 hours of dedicated gameplay. He also made clear that it’s not the only way for players to engage with the game, and that players shouldn’t necessarily strive to grind to Level 100 with every character they make.

Given this journey may take upwards of 80 hours for each seasonal character, and that players will create new characters each season, it would make for a long journey indeed.

Players jumping into the franchise for the first time should be well aware of these requirements before committing to the game. Returning players will likely be more familiar with this style of gameplay loop, and the all-consuming nature of the adventure. Regardless, it’s best to prepare accordingly.

Diablo 4 is set to launch for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC on 6 June 2023.

02/07/2025 07:18 am GMT

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Leah J. Williams is a gaming and entertainment journalist who's spent years writing about the games industry, her love for The Sims 2 on Nintendo DS and every piece of weird history she knows. You can find her tweeting @legenette most days.