Alan Wake 2: Night Springs DLC will be playable in under 24 hours

Alan Wake 2: Night Springs DLC is set to drop sooner than fans expected, as per an announcement at Summer Game Fest 2024.
alan wake 2 tribeca games festival night springs

Eager fans of Remedy Entertainment’s Alan Wake series won’t have long to wait, with a reveal trailer at Summer Game Fest confirming that the Alan Wake 2: Night Springs DLC is coming – and faster than you’d expect.

Sam Lake, Creative Director of Remedy Entertainment, made an appearance in the showcase to discuss the DLC. He confirmed that Night Springs will not only contain plenty of new content, but will also be playable in “less than 24 hours” with a launch date of tomorrow, 8th June 2024 (9th June in Australia and New Zealand).

With three episodes, Alan Wake 2: Night Springs will feature three fan favourite characters in “what if” scenarios, including Rose (Alan Wake’s biggest fan), Jesse Faden from Control, and Sheriff Tim Breaker. While he won’t be playable, the titular Alan Wake will also be present in these new episodes, so it will be interesting to see how he features as part of the others’ stories.

Read: Alan Wake 2: Night Springs DLC likely set for Summer Game Fest reveal

All the clues that hinted at Alan Wake 2: Night Springs

The reveal comes off the back of an array of hints fans noticed in the lead-up to Summer Game Fest, including a name and logo change. At the beginning of June, Remedy Entertainment changed its logo and social name to “Poison Pill Entertainment: Since 1995 Night Springs City”, and posted an image of a mug from Nite’s Diner – which we interpreted as the inverse of the Oh Deer Diner in Bright Falls.

Lake also confirmed that Alan Wake 2 will have a physical deluxe and collectors edition, set to launch in Autumn 2024 [Northern Hemisphere]. Preorders will open tomorrow, alongside the release of the Night Springs DLC.

Check out the full launch trailer for Alan Wake 2: Night Springs below!

Read: Summer Game Fest 2024: Every major game announcement

Steph Panecasio is the Managing Editor of GamesHub. An award-winning culture and games journalist with an interest in all things spooky, she knows a lot about death but not enough about keeping her plants alive. Find her on all platforms as @StephPanecasio for ramblings about Lord of the Rings and her current WIP novel.