Computer Artworks’ The Thing adaptation launched to critical acclaim in 2002, with many praising its multiplayer gameplay, level variety, and strong degree of challenge. The squad-based survival-horror shooter adapted the events of John Carpenter’s The Thing, extending the story as a semi-official pseudo-sequel – and it even was even endorsed by John Carpenter himself, who is a notable fan of gaming.
That may have contributed to a welcome spot of news: Computer Artworks’ The Thing adaptation is seemingly being remastered by Nightdive Studios. Over on Twitter / X, the studio posted a teaser image of a strange, mutated face in a cloud of gas – which fans of The Thing were quick to point out was featured in the original artwork for the game.
Update: Nightdive Studios has now confirmed The Thing: Remastered is in development. You can watch the trailer via IGN on YouTube, and below. The original story continues below the jump.
Notably, Nightdive has made a name for itself in recent years by obtaining older, beloved IPs – and often niche games of the 1990s and 2000s – and remastering or re-releasing them for modern audiences. So far, that list of games includes Blade Runner, Turok, Shadow Man, System Shock, and even nicher titles like PO’ed.
The Thing (2002) feels fit for return
As for The Thing, its return would be most appreciated. As fan response indicates, the game is well-remembered and well-loved, for its fresh gameplay approach, and the high quality of its cutscenes and action. As a semi-official sequel to the original film, it also has a unique place in cinematic history.
While the game is called The Thing, it actually takes place after the final scenes of the film. Players embody Army Special Forces Captain J.F. Blake and his team, as they visit Outpost 31 to investigate what happened to the research team of the film. Given The Thing still haunts the halls of Outpost 31, we can assume the film’s original research team is dead in this continuity, and that MacReady and Childs failed to kill the creature.
While this isn’t necessarily canon to the film – John Carpenter has always maintained the ambiguity of the film’s ending by refusing to confirm what actually happened – it presents a neat backdrop to tell a twisting tale in The Thing universe.
We expect to hear much more in the very near future, so stay tuned for fresh news.