At the Capcom Showcase during Summer Game Fest 2022, the long-awaited story expansion to Resident Evil Village was finally detailed. Titled Shadows of Rose, it will follow the daughter of Village protagonist Jack as she comes to terms with her adulthood and her burgeoning powers.
The expansion will be included separately in the ‘Winters’ Expansion‘ DLC, as well as in a repacked version of the game called Resident Evil Village: Gold Edition. You can view the trailer for Shadows of Rose at the beginning of the following video:
The trailer sets up the story for Shadows of Rose, beginning where Resident Evil Village ended. Jack’s daughter Rose is now all grown up and wants to live a normal life, but has a latent supernatural power she’s coming to terms with. The end of Village saw her monitored by goons working for series protagonist Chris Redfield.
In some additional details shared by Capcom after unveiling the trailer, Shadows of Rose will follow Rose as she ‘enters the consciousness of the Megamycete’ – the superorganism responsible for the events of Resident Evil Village – and seeks to rid herself of her powers.
Read: Resident Evil Village Review: Straight-faced self-parody
She’ll enter a ‘mysterious realm of consciousness’ where ‘time and space is warped beyond recognition’. There, she meets a doppelgänger, and an unseen being known as ‘Michael’, who communicates with her through ghostly writing.
The game will be played from third-person perspective and feature gunplay against a variety of enemy creatures. Capcom also shared that ‘the world itself seems to be attacking you’, which should hopefully make for some interesting setpieces.
In addition, the Winters’ Expansion DLC pack will include the ability to play the entirety of Resident Evil Village from a third-person perspective – the game was originally intended to be played in first-person mode, like Resident Evil 7.
The expansion also includes an additional content for Village’s action-focussed side-mode. The Mercenaries: Additional Orders will include new stages, and new characters to play with, including series protagonist Chris Redfield, as well as Village antagonists Heisenberg and Lady Dimitrescu.
Shadows of Rose and the Winters’ Expansion DLC will be available on 28 October 2022, on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.
Be sure to check out all of our Summer Game Fest coverage to catch up on the game announcements you might’ve missed out on.
You can also view our wrap-ups for all the news from the Summer Game Fest kickoff showcase, the Devolver Digital showcase, the Xbox and Bethesda showcase, the 2022 PC Gaming Show, and the Capcom Showcase.