Netflix’s Castlevania: Nocturne, a spiritual sequel to the award-winning animated Castlevania series, has been given an official premiere date of 28 September 2023. The news was revealed on Twitter, where Netflix teased the arrival of monster hunter Richter Belmont, who’ll lead the new animated series, following in the footsteps of his ancestor, Trevor Belmont.
A new teaser for the show is expected to arrive on 27 July 2023, with this sneak peak likely to introduce Richter, his companions, and more about the Nocturne story. So far, very little is known about the upcoming animated series, and how it will adapt Richter’s story.
In Castlevania game canon, Richter inherits the iconic ‘Vampire Killer’ whip from his monster-hunting family, and must set about defeating a resurrected Dracula by traversing the vampire’s castle, and dispatching waves of monsters.
The primary inspirations for the animated adaptation of this tale are reportedly Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night – which should spark major intrigue for franchise fans, particularly given Symphony of the Night features Alucard as a primary protagonist.
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Alucard took a starring role in the original Castlevania series, and may be set for a return, if the events of Symphony of the Night are to be adapted. While Nocturne is set several decades after Castlevania, Alucard’s dhampir status means it’s possible he makes an appearance.
For now, this is pure speculation.
We’ll learn more about Castlevania: Nocturne in the coming days, as Netflix prepares to introduce Richter on 28 September 2023. Stay tuned for more details.