MachineGames’ Indiana Jones game could be subtitled ‘The Great Circle’

A trademark filing has seemingly revealed the subtitle of the upcoming Indiana Jones games.
indiana jones game great circle

A new trademark filing spotted by Kurakasis on Twitter / X has seemingly revealed the name of the Indiana Jones adventure in development at MachineGames. While official word is due to land next week as part of the Xbox Developer Direct, it appears news has slipped out slightly early, thanks to some eager sleuthing.

Per details spotted by Kurakasis, Lucasfilm registered several website domains on 9 January 2024, with all of them containing variations of the phrase ‘Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.’ As Kurakasis also notes, this name was registered for trademark in Europe two years ago, with the filing related specifically to video games, and related goods and services.

Of the domains filed, perhaps the most telling is – a name which leaves little to the imagination. Given there is no official word on the exact name for the project just yet, this could always be a red herring – but for now, it’s the closest clue we have to what MachineGames is cooking.

Read: Todd Howard says Indiana Jones game is a genre ‘mash-up’

As for the name itself, it’s fairly vague and open to interpretation. ‘The Great Circle’ in common vernacular could refer to life itself, or – more likely in this case – it could refer to a distinct location or element of mythology. Perhaps the circle is a metaphor, and it’s not really a circle at all.

Whatever the case, the surfaced name brings plenty of opportunity for interrogation, and in the week ahead, it will likely inspire major speculation among keen players.

Until the full reveal from MachineGames on 18 January 2024, there’s still only a handful of details we know for sure about the upcoming Indiana Jones game. Previously, Bethesda Game Studios director and producer Todd Howard described it as a “unique” experience that combines genres in a mash-up style, and also claimed it’s a “love letter” to the Indiana Jones series.

According to an FTC filing, we also know it will be exclusive to Xbox and PC.

Beyond this, and the alleged name, much about MachineGames’ Indiana Jones adaptation remains a mystery. It won’t be a mystery for long, however, as we’re set for a full reveal shortly. Stay tuned for more details about the upcoming game.

Leah J. Williams is a gaming and entertainment journalist who's spent years writing about the games industry, her love for The Sims 2 on Nintendo DS and every piece of weird history she knows. You can find her tweeting @legenette most days.