While early rumours flagged the upcoming Final Fantasy 16 as a timed PS5 exclusive which would land on PC six months after console release, Square Enix is now shooting down those hopes. According to game producer Naoki Yoshida, a PC version of Final Fantasy 16 is coming eventually – but it will not be ‘soon’.
‘I’ve caused a bit of a stir with my remarks the other day, but I’d like to touch on the PC version,’ Yoshida said in a new PlayStation Blog, per rough Google Translate. ‘First of all, it is true that Final Fantasy 16 is a six-month limited-time exclusive on PS5. However, it is a completely different story that the PC version will be released in half a year.’
‘I will make it clear, but the PC version will not come out in half a year.’
Currently, the Square Enix development team on Final Fantasy 16 is concentrating solely on the PS5 version of the game. Once this process has been completed, only then will work on a PC version potentially begin.
Read: Final Fantasy 16 preview: A complete rejuvenation of the series
‘We spent a lot of time and money optimising the PS5 platform to deliver the best gaming experience,’ Yoshida said. ‘Of course, I would like to release a PC version at some point, so that everyone can play as many games as possible.’
‘However, even if we start optimising the PC version after the PS5 version comes out, we won’t be able to optimise it in half a year, so it won’t come out in a short span of half a year. I would like to release it eventually and I think I will, but I am not at the stage where I can say when.’
Notably, Yoshida did seem to acknowledge that a PC version exists in some form, after previously questioning why fans were excited about a non-existent port. For now, it appears to be a distant idea – but the better news is that Yoshida and his team are heavily considering the opportunities presented by a PC version of FF16. Those who want to play the adventure and don’t currently own a PS5 are likely in for a long wait for more news, but there does now seem to be hope on the horizon.
Final Fantasy 16 launches exclusively for PlayStation 5 on 22 June 2023.
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