Remedy Entertainment has officially announced actor Shawn Ashmore is joining the cast of Alan Wake 2, in the role of the mysterious Sheriff Tim Breaker. Ashmore’s appearance is notable for a number of reasons – largely, as he previously played the protagonist of Remedy’s Quantum Break, a game that has distinct ties to Remedy’s Connected Universe.
In the past, the studio has insisted that shared IP ownership with Microsoft Studios means that Quantum Break is not technically part of its ‘RCU’ – which currently comprises Alan Wake and Control – but the links between the games still exist. For example, Quantum Break introduced the first official teaser for Alan Wake 2 in its opening level. Teased connections between Control/Alan Wake 2‘s Mr. Door, and Mr. Hatch from Quantum Break also suggest the universes are more connected than they appear.
Now, there’s the appearance of Shawn Ashmore in Alan Wake 2. While many of Remedy’s games share actors – Matthew Porretta, the voice of Alan Wake, plays Dr Caspar Darling in Control, and Courtney Hope plays both Beth Wilder in Quantum Break, and Jesse Faden in Control – their characters are not often tied together.
Rather, their appearances are considered easter eggs for players following Remedy’s grand plan. In the case of Ashmore, it’s his character’s name that has caused a significant amount of speculation about his role.
Read: Everything we learned in the new Alan Wake 2 trailer
‘Tim Breaker’ is an intriguing choice for a name. While this likely relates Ashmore’s character to Sarah Breaker, the original sheriff of Bright Falls seen in Alan Wake, it also hints at Ashmore’s role in Quantum Break – as a ‘time breaker’ with unique temporal powers. Remedy has been known to include easter eggs in all its works, and for including obvious – yet endearing – puns in its character names.
‘Alan Wake’ is a character who must wake up from a nightmare. ‘Max Payne’ is a cop who suffers greatly throughout his adventures – and so on. Tim Breaker is a name with layers. It links Ashmore’s character with Alan Wake‘s past, suggests a connection to Quantum Break, and hints at the possibility of a greater Remedy crossover.
Whatever the case, it’s a neat nod to Remedy’s past – and Ashmore’s appearance lends a greater air of mystery to the upcoming game. We’ll find out more about the actor’s role when Alan Wake 2 launches for PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5 on 27 October 2023.