Ubisoft has revealed the first trailer for its debut Web3 game, a ‘PvP tactical RPG experimental game’, called Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles. It’s the company’s latest foray into Web3 content, following the relative failure of its proprietary NFT-based Ubisoft ‘Quartz’ system, which allowed players to obtain unique in-game content for just one of its titles – the critically underwhelming Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
Champions Tactics is based on the Oasys blockchain, which was established in early 2022 with the backing of numerous video game developers, including Square Enix, Bandai Namco, Sega, and Ubisoft.
The first trailer for the upcoming game, in development for PC, is cinematic and vague. It features a strange book with a number of supernatural-looking markings, and depictions of various tools – a spiked axe, magical gemstones, and other artefacts. You can view the trailer below.
Read: Ubisoft cancels Project Q, rumoured NFT blockchain game
According to Ubisoft, the game will allow players to ‘assemble a team of mythical Champions, engage in thrilling tactical battles against other players and discover the legends of the dark and mystical world of Grimoria.’ The blockchain functionality of the game has yet to be detailed, but it will likely involve those aforementioned champions – potentially in collectible NFT form.
As with other blockchain-based games, the reveal of Champions Tactics has been met with a lukewarm response. Despite the new trailer being viewed thousands of times, the game’s YouTube channel has just 37 subscribers.
The comments associated with the video are also largely negative. While some players have expressed interest in a major company like Ubisoft exploring the potential of Web3 games, many others have shared their disappointment, claiming Ubisoft doubling down on Web3 technology is contributing to a loss of reputation and player goodwill.
In late 2022, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot made comments insinuating the company’s foray into Quartz NFTs was simply research. ‘We should have said we were working on it,’ he said, ‘and when we have something that gives you a real benefit, we’ll bring it to you.’
The fate of Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles will likely determine the future of Ubisoft’s experimental forays into the Web3 space. For now, stay tuned for more details as development on this game continues.