Skyrim mod introduces the Grimace Shake to Tamriel

Drink the Grimace Shake, and you may not live to regret it.
grimace shake skyrim

Viral TikTok sensation ‘The Grimace Shake’ has officially arrived in Skyrim, thanks to the work of Nexus modder, MissileMann. If you’re unfamiliar with this purple goo, the quick rundown is that McDonald’s recently launched a limited edition berry-flavoured shake to celebrate the birthday of company mascot, Grimace.

In the wake of this release, TikTok creators began a narrative that the Grimace Shake is evil – posting videos of those consuming the shake seemingly being poisoned and dying in cutaway shots. This trend went viral in June 2023, with thousands of creators contributing videos to the #GrimaceShake hashtag. Videos posted online range from simple smash cuts to mini horror films, all centring the alleged magical properties of the Grimace Shake.

Given this prowess, it’s no surprise that the Grimace Shake has now landed in Skyrim, a world where magical drinks can be found in every corner of its world. To purchase the Grimace Shake in Tamriel, all you need to do is head to Nexus Mods and download MissileMann’s latest project, as surfaced by GamesRadar.

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The special Grimace Mead can be purchased from Belethor’s General Goods in Whiterun, for the price of 91 Gold. It comes in a fancy purple bottle, and has the mysterious item description: ‘Happy Birthday Grimace!’

As you might guess, consuming the mead produces a rather interesting effect – although you’ll have to try it for yourself to see the consequences of your actions. Before you do, however, you should note the mod is tagged with ‘unbalanced’ and ‘horror’ criteria.

Once you’ve experienced this terrifying Shake in Skyrim, there’s even better news: it’s now landed in Fallout: New Vegas, as well.

Courtesy of modder LaceEditing, you can now discover the Grimace Shake in your journey through the Mojave Wasteland. There’s bottles strewn across the wilderness, but you can also find one in Doc Mitchell’s house in Goodsprings. As with the Skyrim version of the mod, the impacts of this drink are left vague in the mod description – which makes its impact all the more exciting.

Whether you’re trying out the mod in Skyrim or Fallout: New Vegas, there’s just one thing left to say: Happy birthday, Grimace!

Leah J. Williams is a gaming and entertainment journalist who's spent years writing about the games industry, her love for The Sims 2 on Nintendo DS and every piece of weird history she knows. You can find her tweeting @legenette most days.