IGEA has officially announced the return of Games Connect Asia Pacific (GCAP), with the event set to take place during Melbourne International Games Week from 2-4 October 2023. As in past years, the event will be a conference for local Australian and international video game developers, with talks and networking opportunities available for everyone who purchases a ticket.
Last year’s event played host to an array of insightful talks discussing the independent game developer experience, the growth of community management in games, the importance of ‘playful’ learning, and the intricacies of game production, amongst other topics. This year’s event will likely deliver more of the same, shaped around the new theme of ‘Empower’.
According to IGEA, the aim of GCAP 2023 is to empower developers to achieve their vision for the future by providing practical sessions and showcases for studios of all sizes, education on new tools for game creation, direct knowledge from talented practitioners, and by providing opportunities to connect within the games industry.
Read: How indie game development can be a rewarding hobby
GCAP 2023 will take place across three days this year, with each hosting a variety of educational sessions, interactive workshops and meetups, with local and international guests planned for the show. The Australian Game Developer Awards (AGDAs) will also be held at the conclusion of GCAP, taking place on 4 October 2023.
With dates now locked in, IGEA has launched the annual open call for ‘intermediate-to-advanced level’ speaker submissions ‘with tangible takeaways and educational outcomes.’ These can be on any track, including this year’s focus topics: leadership, career and culture, engineering and technical, design, art, business and investment, audio, narrative, brand and marketing, and production.
Those able to meet the criteria are encouraged to submit their applications on the GCAP website, as IGEA gears up for another massive year for video games in Australia.
GCAP 2023 will be revealed in more detail in the coming months, as we approach the return of the annual event.