Disney Dreamlight Valley is getting a physical release

Dreamlight Valley Cozy Edition includes a range of physical and in-game goodies.
Disney Dreamlight Valley physical release

Disney Dreamlight Valley is set to be released in physical format on 20 October 2023, with the ‘Cozy Edition’ for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch arriving with physical and in-game goodies for players.

The release appears to be code-only on Nintendo Switch, but the Xbox and PlayStation releases are expected to include physical discs. Alongside a copy of the game, these physical editions will also include 14,500 Moonstones (in-game currency), a Cottage House Style for player homes, and two exclusive items – a Cheshire Cat sweater, and a Racoon Companion skin.

Also included is a Disney Dreamlight Valley sticker sheet, and one of six double-sided collectible posters, with designs reflecting key art for the game.

Read: I never wanted to be a princess, until Disney Dreamlight Valley

dreamlight valley cozy edition
Image: Gameloft

The Disney Dreamlight Valley Cozy Edition is set to be available in select global regions across North America, Latin America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific region. In Australia, preorders are slowly going live across EB Games, JB Hi-Fi, Amazon, Big W, and Target. The release is priced at US $49.99 in the United States, so we can expect similar pricing around the world.

Before considering the purchase, it’s important to note Disney Dreamlight Valley is likely set for a free digital release in future. While in its early access period, developer Gameloft offered paid Founder’s Packs for those looking to jump in and help shape the experience, Dreamlight Valley is designed as a free-to-play adventure.

With the game launching physically in October 2023, we expect to hear more about its long-awaited launch out of early access shortly. Once it formally releases, the game will be free for everyone. You won’t need to fork out at all, unless you’re looking to unlock new cosmetic items and rewards.

Really, that makes the upcoming Cozy Edition one for dedicated fans and collectors only. That said, the posters and stickers are rather cute, so it certainly has its own appeal. For now, keen fans can look forward to the Disney Dreamlight Valley Cozy Edition launching on 20 October 2023.

Stay tuned for more details about the game’s exit from early access.

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Leah J. Williams is a gaming and entertainment journalist who's spent years writing about the games industry, her love for The Sims 2 on Nintendo DS and every piece of weird history she knows. You can find her tweeting @legenette most days.