Marvel Snap publisher Nuverse has surprise-announced a brand new video game adaptation of beloved anime series Bleach, with this latest entry seemingly taking inspiration from Bandai Namco’s Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3D fighting game series.
Early footage revealed in a trailer depicts series protagonist Ichigo Kurosaki taking part in a variety of battles, each hailing from major Bleach story arc – most notably, the early Soul Society arc, and the Invasion of Hueco Mundo arc.
Strangely enough, the official trailer revealing gameplay has been taken down since it was first posted, but various YouTube accounts have restored it ahead of an official re-reveal. At this stage, it’s unclear why Nuverse’s reveal has been unpublished – but the game’s official website remains live with screenshots, gameplay footage, and details as of writing.
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Here are snippets from the official description, per Nuverse:
‘Bleach: Soul Resonance is a 3D action game that immerses players in thrilling sword-fighting battles. Roleplaying as Ichigo Kurosaki, players will wield their powerful Zanpakuto as they lose themselves in an original storyline while fighting alongside friends and growing stronger.’
‘The game features smooth swordplay, diverse battle strategies, and gameplay mechanics like collecting and developing multiple characters and teaming up with others for battles. As Bleach fans ourselves, we are honored to have the chance to develop a game for the story we love.’
‘We are committed to expressing our passion and love with this labor of love, and we hope that more people will discover its charm and experience it for themselves.’
We’ll learn more about Bleach: Soul Resonance in the coming months. In the meantime, Nuverse has established a Discord and email membership program for those keen to receive updates on the game.