Alan Wake 2: Post-launch DLC content and story revealed

Here's what to expect from Alan Wake 2, post-launch.
alan wake 2 richard lapington audio design

Alan Wake 2 is set to get multiple post-launch DLC expansions, some free, some paid – but all evolving the game’s story in novel ways. While Remedy previously revealed the titles of the game’s main expansions, Night Springs and The Lake House, it has now also revealed what players can expect from these tales.

As detailed in a press release, Night Springs will feature familiar characters from the Alan Wake story taking part in self-contained episodes of the in-game fictional television show, Night Springs. With this show being inspired by The Twilight Zone, you can expect an anthology of weird tales to be featured.

Here’s the official description, courtesy of Remedy Entertainment:

Visions and dreams. Fiction is written and coming true. Fiction collapses and remains just words on a page. These are those stories… in Night Springs. Play as several familiar characters from the world of Alan Wake and experience the unexplainable in multiple self-contained episodes of Night Springs, a fictional TV show set in the world of Alan Wake.

This expansion is currently set to launch in late Spring 2024 [Northern Hemisphere].

Read: Alan Wake 2 will have free DLC and two paid expansions

The second expansion, The Lake House, will follow at an unknown date. It does not currently have a firm release window, but we do know it will expand the story of Cauldron Lake and the activities of a certain “independent government organisation” working to conduct specialised research in the area.

Here’s the official description, once again courtesy of Remedy:

The Lake House is a mysterious facility situated on the shores of Cauldron Lake set up by an independent government organisation to conduct secret research… until something goes wrong. Explore the Lake House and embark on two separate adventures as the realities of Saga Anderson and Alan Wake collide again.

As for the free DLC coming to the game, Remedy has already detailed some additional post-launch content players can expect, including a special New Game Mode+ that encompasses fresh game content, and a photo mode.

New Game Mode+ will launch “around a month” after the release of Alan Wake 2. It will allow players to retain all their unlocked weapons, charms, and words of power, while also introducing a new Nightmare difficulty level. It also contains an alternative narrative with six new Manuscript pages, and new video content to find, as well as “other surprises”.

The game’s photo mode is currently in the works and undated, but players will likely know what to expect here. As you’re travelling, you’ll be able to activate this mode to take stylised pictures.

Players can look forward to all this post-launch content releasing in the coming months, as Remedy Entertainment continues to expand the world of Alan Wake 2.

Alan Wake 2 is out now in digital format on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Windows PC.

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Leah J. Williams is a gaming and entertainment journalist who's spent years writing about the games industry, her love for The Sims 2 on Nintendo DS and every piece of weird history she knows. You can find her tweeting @legenette most days.