New PlayStation State of Play for FF16 happening in April 2023

The latest State of Play showcase will spotlight new gameplay and features for Final Fantasy 16.
final fantasy 16 state of play playstation

Sony has announced the return of its PlayStation State of Play showcase for April 2023, with a dedicated livestream set to focus on upcoming adventure, Final Fantasy 16. This 20-minute presentation will reveal more details about the game’s setting and the dark forces players will have to face, while also diving deep with its combat system and cast of characters.

So far, Final Fantasy 16 appears to be the sole focus of the latest State of Play, however, Sony has not ruled out other games putting in smaller appearances. If you’re keen to learn more about Square Enix’s latest, and perhaps a tidbit or two about other games coming to PS4 and PS5 in future, keep State of Play on your radar.

How to watch the Final Fantasy 16 PlayStation State of Play

The latest State of Play showcase will air on 13 April 2023 at 2:00 pm PT in the United States, and it will be live for everyone around the world via the PlayStation Twitch and YouTube.

Here’s how those time zones work out around the world:

  • Australia – 7:00 am AEST | 6:30 am ACST | 5:00 am AWST (14 April)
  • United States – 2:00 pm PT | 5:00 pm ET (13 April)
  • United Kingdom – 9:00 pm GMT | 11:00 pm CET | 10:00 pm BST (13 April)

Final Fantasy 16 is currently set to launch for PS5 on 22 June 2023.

In our early preview of the adventure, we called it a ‘different kind of Final Fantasy game’ – in all the best ways.

Read: Final Fantasy 16 preview: A complete rejuvenation of the series

Final Fantasy has changed. Final Fantasy 16 is a solemn action game – a very good one at that, so far – and it’s incredibly impressive. In a world where Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth are continuing to extrapolate the traditional ideas of what the series was, FF16 takes a big leap sideways with such infectious enthusiasm, you can’t help but be excited to see where it goes – for better or worse.’

Final Fantasy XVI - PlayStation 5
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02/08/2025 07:17 am GMT

Leah J. Williams is a gaming and entertainment journalist who's spent years writing about the games industry, her love for The Sims 2 on Nintendo DS and every piece of weird history she knows. You can find her tweeting @legenette most days.