Capcom has announced plans to reduce Dragonsplague afflictions in Dragon’s Dogma 2, to make the experience more manageable for players. In a post on Twitter / X, the studio confirmed Dragonsplague tweaks were a high priority for the game’s next major update, alongside fixes for minor issues, and adjustments to Pawn behaviour.
Per detailed update notes, Capcom will be “reducing the infection frequency of Dragonsplague and adjusting the signs of Pawns infected with dragonsplague to be more noticeable – for example, when infected, glowing eyes will be more noticeable.”
The news will likely come as a relief to those living in fear of recruiting other player’s Pawns, in case they’re infected with Dragonsplague. While this is still a risk, there will now be more obvious signs that a Pawn is infected, and there will also be fewer infected Pawns in the Rift.
Read: Dragon’s Dogma 2: How to cure Dragonsplague
It should be noted that Dragonsplague will still be a pain to deal with, however.
When you come across an infected Pawn, you’ll need to take steps to address their condition before they “explode” and kill anyone in nearby towns. To do so, you’ll need to dismiss the infected Pawn, allow them to die in battle, or purposefully kill them by dunking them in a large body of water (or by another method).
As well as reducing the impact of Dragonsplague, the next Dragon’s Dogma 2 patch will also add options for zooming in on Arisen and Pawn faces, and fix issues related to the game’s mini-map, escort quests, and jail. It will also adjust Pawn behaviour and dialogue to make them smarter, and less likely to die in silly ways.
Per Capcom, the new game update will release for PC and consoles in April 2024. It’s not yet dated, as work continues on tweaks and fixes. Stay tuned for more.