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the sims 4 growing together expansion features details

Every new feature in The Sims 4 Growing Together

Here's every major new feature arriving in The Sims 4 Growing Together expansion pack.

Apex Legends

EA fires over 200 Apex Legends QA Testers

The entire quality assurance team at EA Baton Rouge, who were all working on Apex Legends, were abruptly fired via…

Wild Hearts review

Wild Hearts review - The circle of life

Wild Hearts is a fantastic example of how a well-established formula can still be spun into something unexpected, brilliant and…

Wild Hearts omega force ea

'Wild Hearts' directors discuss the global monster hunter trade

No strangers to the monster-hunting genre, the co-directors of Wild Hearts explain their globally-focused approach to the genre.

Dead Space Remake feature

Pulling Dead Space from the shadow of its remake

What makes a successful remake? Is Dead Space (2023) one of them? And how does it alter our perception and…

apex legends lore hub

Respawn adds Apex Legends 'Lore Hub' detailing game narrative

Apex Legends' dense lore has been detailed and timelined by developer Respawn Entertainment.

wild hearts ea koei tecmo

Wild Hearts will get performance patch to address issues

Some Wild Hearts players are reportedly suffering from visual and performance issues.

Apex Legends Revelry: Season 16 Updates

Apex Legends Revelry update reshapes the game for Season 16

Apex Legends will get a slew of fundamental changes in its next major update.

knockout city game shut down

Knockout City will shut down in June 2023

Knockout City is throwing its last dodgeball in June 2023, as service for the game ends.

the sims 4 growing together game

The Sims 4: Growing Together launches in March 2023

The Sims 4: Growing Together will introduce new ways to spend time with family members.

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