PS5 Pro could launch in 2024, analysts claim

Some analysts claim Sony's console forecasts reveal a new PS5 could be on the horizon.
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The long-rumoured PS5 Pro has once again hit the headlines, with a new report from CNBC alleging that the console is closer than ever, and could release in late 2024. Several analysts speaking to the outlet have claimed the console will be used to shore up enthusiasm for the PS5 ahead of the launch of GTA 6, which is predicted to be a major console-seller.

As CNBC noted in its report, Sony recently cut its forecast for PS5 sales, from 25 million units to 21 million units. With this gradual decline, analysts have flagged potential for Sony to boost expected sales with a mid-generation refresh.

Three years on from the launch of the PlayStation 4, Sony released the higher-specced PS4 Pro – and analysts believe a similar move could be in the works, particularly as Xbox is also teasing a new generation console to leapfrog over the Xbox Series X/S.

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“There seems to be a broad consensus in the game industry that Sony is indeed preparing a launch of a PS5 Pro in the second half of 2024,” Serkan Toto, CEO of games consultancy firm Kantan Games told CNBC. “And Sony will want to make sure to have a great piece of hardware ready when GTA VI hits in 2025, a launch that will be a shot in the arm for the entire gaming industry.”

It appears this verdict has also been influenced by recent comments from Sony senior vice president Naomi Matsuoka, who recently said the PS5 will eventually “enter the latter stage of its life cycle” and that as a result, Sony expects “the annual sales pace of PS5 hardware will start falling from the next fiscal year.”

Given the timing of these comments, and precedent with the release of the PS4 Pro, analysts believe the stars are aligning for that long-rumoured mid-gen PS5 refresh with upgraded innards (the recently-released PS5 Slim featured only cosmetic changes).

For now, speculation is only being fuelled by rumour and prediction. While analysts agree that Sony may be planning something big for 2024, emerging reports surrounding the PS5 Pro should be greeted with some skepticism.

Leah J. Williams is a gaming and entertainment journalist who's spent years writing about the games industry, her love for The Sims 2 on Nintendo DS and every piece of weird history she knows. You can find her tweeting @legenette most days.