PlayStation Plus Extra, Deluxe, Premium games for February 2023

The latest PlayStation Plus lineup is littered with major blockbusters – including one Aussie hit.
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Sony has officially confirmed the latest games arriving on PlayStation Plus for Extra, Deluxe, and Premium subscribers in February 2023. While last month’s offerings were slim but robust, it appears Sony is going all out this time around. A range of blockbusters are included in February’s offerings – including hits like Horizon Forbidden West, The Quarry, Scarlet Nexus, Tekken 7, and Resident Evil 7: Biohazard.

There’s even a great Australian-made game in the bunch: The Forgotten City.

Read: Behind the high-risk development of The Forgotten City

It’s a strong lineup of new games, made even sweeter by the inclusion of three worthy PSOne Classics for Premium / Deluxe subscribers: The Legend of Dragoon, Wild Arms 2, and Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Whether you’re nostalgic for these titles or not, they’re all well worth revisiting.

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, for example, is a cosy and wholesome farming simulator that many games have learned from over the last few decades. It’s a slice of PlayStation history that should be remembered.

PlayStation Plus: Extra, Deluxe and Premium Games in February 2023

Here’s every game included for PlayStation Plus subscribers in February 2023:

  • Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (PS4)
  • Borderlands 3 (PS4 | PS5)
  • Destroy All Humans! (PS4)
  • Earth Defense Force 5 (PS4)
  • Horizon Forbidden West (PS4 | PS5)
  • I Am Setsuna (PS4)
  • Lost Sphear (PS4)
  • Oninaki (PS4)
  • Outriders (PS4 | PS5)
  • Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (PS4)
  • Scarlet Nexus (PS4 | PS5)
  • Tekken 7 (PS4)
  • The Forgotten City (PS4 | PS5)
  • The Quarry (PS4 | PS5)

PlayStation Plus: Premium and Deluxe Classics for February 2023

Here are the classic games included for PlayStation Plus subscribers on the highest tier:

  • Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (PSOne)
  • The Legend of Dragoon (PSOne)
  • Wild Arms 2 (PSOne)

The latest PlayStation Plus games lineup will be available to download from 21 February 2023. You can learn more about each title on the PlayStation Blog.

Leah J. Williams is a gaming and entertainment journalist who's spent years writing about the games industry, her love for The Sims 2 on Nintendo DS and every piece of weird history she knows. You can find her tweeting @legenette most days.