The newest Xbox controller is made from recovered plastics

The Xbox Wireless Controller - Remix Special Edition has been designed to celebrate Earth Day.
xbox controller remix special edition

In recent years, Xbox has become known for an impressive lineup of creative and fun controllers, with various designs allowing players to personalise their gaming accessories with fresh colours and patterns. The latest Xbox controller – the Remix Special Edition – is taking this concept one step further, with the newly-announced device rocking cool colours, and a major environmental impact.

As announced by Xbox, the Remix Special Edition is designed to promote awareness of environmental challenges, particularly the issue of mounting plastic waste. The green and blue controller is actually made of recovered plastics, with one-third of it being made from ‘regrind and reclaimed materials’.

‘Each Remix Special Controller is made with post-consumer recycled resins (PCR) and previously moulded coloured parts from leftover Xbox One generation controllers,’ Xbox said in a press release. This allows ‘each controller to have its own look and feel with earth-tone colours with subtle variations, markings, and texturing.’

Materials used in the regrind process also reportedly include car headlight covers, plastic water jugs, and unwanted CDs.

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xbox wireless controller
Image: Xbox / Microsoft

The recycling process means that no two Remix Special Edition controllers will be exactly the same, as uniformity was not the goal in production. Instead, Xbox aimed to reuse material that would otherwise go to waste.

In addition to this neat quirk, all controllers sold will include a Rechargeable Battery Pack that allows owners to more easily avoid disposable batteries, which can contribute to environmental damage in the long term.

Standard Xbox controllers still require two AA batteries to operate.

‘We drew inspiration from natural landscapes and the physical world around us when designing the Remix Special Edition controller,’ Daniel Ruiz, senior marketing manager for Xbox Accessories said of the controller. ‘The various earth-tone colours create a patchwork effect, featuring bright pops of colour that create a vibrant yet serene vibe.’

Beyond being an important step towards improving environmental sustainability, the controller also looks rather snazzy – and should make for a unique gaming companion or display piece in any gamer’s home.

The Xbox Wireless Controller – Remix Special Edition is now available for preorder worldwide. It will launch on 18 April 2023, and will be available for US $84.99 | AU $119.95 MSRP.

Xbox Special Edition Wireless Controller Remix
$84.99 $74.95
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01/18/2025 05:32 am GMT

Leah J. Williams is a gaming and entertainment journalist who's spent years writing about the games industry, her love for The Sims 2 on Nintendo DS and every piece of weird history she knows. You can find her tweeting @legenette most days.