Melbourne game studio Paper House (Paperbark, Wood & Weather) has announced a delightful new game jam for budding developers, based on the famous/infamous Women’s Weekly Cake Book which first introduced the world to the impossible Duck Cake.
The event is designed to bring people together for freeform creativity, with budding and established game developers encouraged to take part either online or in-person in Thornbury, Melbourne between 6-7 April 2024. The goal of the event is for creatives to come together, to create a small game based on a cake from the Women’s Weekly Cake Book.
Those who choose to participate in person will need to rent a desk for AUD $50, which covers expenses over the weekend, with all money going towards supporting Paper House and local game developers. For those who wish to participate online, the event will be free of charge.
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Whether attending in-person or participating online, all you need to do is register to participate via Itch, and collaborate with your chosen game jam crew as you like.
Realistically, not every team who participates in the game jam will come away with a functional game – but really, that’s not as important as getting a bit silly, and having some fun. With such a neat theme, we can certainly see potential in the creative ideas stemming from this event.
Whether the the resulting games feature the dark backstory of the Duck Cake, or a lovely depiction of pool fun via the famed Pool Cake, there should be plenty of wildness in this game jam. For those who don’t wish to participate, even seeing the resulting creations should be a treat.
You can learn more about the Women’s Weekly Cake Book Game Jam on its Itch landing page.